Leadership Circle Celebration
stronger nonprofits | stronger communities
Leadership Circle Luncheon
The annual Leadership Circle Celebration Luncheon is by invitation only and recognizes our Valued Funders and Supporters. During this wonderful celebration, AcademyGO honors two amazing individuals for their dedication to strengthening our communities with the prestigious “Chairman’s Award” and “Academy Awards for Nonprofit Excellence.”
Photo by Trina Siverts, Siverts Publishing
Chairman's Award
Presented annually by the Board of Directors, the Chairman’s Award recognizes a Funder or volunteer who has provided significant support of strengthening the social service sector.
Photo by Trina Siverts, Siverts Publishing
Academy Awards for
Nonprofit Excellence
Presented annually to honor the region’s top staff,
volunteers, and nonprofits for their outstanding service.
Executive Director of the Year
Sue Aebischer, House of Ruth
Nonprofit Agency of the Year
Reach Out
Nonprofit Employee of the Year
Sandra Aldrete,
Ontario Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Adult Volunteer of the Year
Carlos Sarmiento,
Don Ferrarese Charitable Foundation
Youth Volunteer of the Year
Anna Komorita, Parade of Pianos